Habitasse © Curabitur felis erat. Mauris di Serif. Vestibulum | Sed vulputate

..The rural news paper..

May 16th 2012

“Fuel Saving Device is Best Invention!”

“Click on the dog for the full story!”

..The Weekly Times..

June 28th 2012

“Diesel Dog Show it’s teeth”

“Click on the dog for the full story!”

Griffith NSW farmer Frank Dal Bon, who grows a number of seed crops, olives and vegetables, had the Diesel Dog installed on a new pump site that irrigates vegetables, using sub-surface drip technology.

"We installed the entire system in September last year, at the time we were weighing up whether to use electricity or diesel to run the pumps for the dripper irrigation," he said.

"The cost of having of an electric pump site is staggering, so we went with the diesel motors, and had Riverina Water Engineering install it with the Diesel Dog engine controller system."

Frank said having the system managed remotely meant he could turn it on and off, and see how it was progressing "all from my phone".

Frank said one of the best things about the Diesel Dog was he could use it to accurately manage the service intervals on the diesel motor.

"Once we set the service times into the system, it will remind us that the motor is coming up for a oil and filter change," he said.

Frank said it was reassuring knowing he could manage the whole irrigation system remotely, either at home or away from the farm.

A Testamonial……